Your patronage is essential in helping us create music and films to continue our mission towards cultivating a more peaceful and unified world.

To be frank, it is harder than ever to be a full- time artist due to rising costs (health insurance, food, high-rent, gas prices), inconsistent income, and over saturation, not to mention Nathaniel and I spent the last 8 years pouring all of our finances into creating State of the Unity which left us with very little on the other side. So with a little nudging from a few friends we are inviting you to consider supporting us and our work. When you support us we are able to create more uplifting music, spread the good world about State of the Unity, as well as get our 2024 sequel off the ground.

Your contribution will go towards supporting us in spreading the good word about our current feature length film State of the Unity as well as set the foundation to create the State of the Unity sequel (which we would love to start filming this year).

Please know that we deeply appreciate your love and support as we are committed to bringing you inspirational music and films.

Shine ON & Ever Upwards

Jillian + Nathaniel